What Goes Into Verecan Advised Funds?
There’s a lot that goes into the Verecan Advised investment funds, aside from the required attention, love, and care.
The Majestic Select Partners Global Income Fund and Verecan Global Equity Fund are a collection of our best investment ideas in the fixed income and equity universes, respectively. We have full control over the investment decisions made within these funds, free of bias and conflict. Importantly, we can select from a wide range of different investment types spanning a wide range of sectors and geographic regions.
The funds were created to deliver an optimal investment portfolio in a simple and cost-effective structure. We’re big believers that our investment approach should be as simple as possible, and no simpler. The funds allow us to quickly execute on investment ideas, report to our clients concisely, and ensure consistency across our client base. They also open doors for us to invest in some areas that wouldn’t be practical in client accounts individually. The scale of the funds makes it possible to get institutional pricing on some of the underlying investments.
Our Investment Committee meets formally twice per week to review the funds’ portfolios, exchange ideas, and discuss the investments in the context of global markets. The formal processes we have in place to re-evaluate underlying investments and track performance create a discipline centred around our investment philosophy and our objective to deliver strong financial outcomes for our clients.