Do you work with clients like me?
Although White LeBlanc Wealth Planners work with a variety of individuals, families and business owners, we are not a perfect fit for every type of investor.
In general we have two types of clients.
First, there are those who have started saving for the future, have the resources to invest and are committed to their financial goals. They could be at the beginning of their journey toward a financially secure future, or a few years into that process.
Most often we work with clients who are ready to take the next steps. These clients have built a portfolio, but have realized they need a deeper level of planning and support to achieve all they can. This includes many high net worth individuals whose incomes, investments and holdings are in the millions of dollars.
Sometimes we state this simply as, “If you have goals and the means to attain them, or you have money and you have questions, we can help.”